Friday, July 4, 2008

Us and Beyond!!!!!

With tenderness and loneliness,
I look back at where she dwells.
Can't walk towards, can't walk away,
Should I knock and say,
Why should it be this way?

I see the window, I see the light,
Could be there, if things were right.
We've known each other for eons,
Thought separation was beyond.

I did never foresee, standing alone,
With you beyond me,
I exist no more.


yogi said...

Nice poem there- feel good considering I was a part of the concluding verses if not d genesis of this wonderful piece of poetry


i just happened to see ur blog. very well written arun.

Arun said...

Thank you Rekha...

Welcome to a place, where a word is an expression, thought, faith and belief.

Moments are an Inspiration,

"Conventionalism is the end of Creativity"

Arun Ramu