Friday, July 4, 2008


Waking beneath the sultry sky,
I blame the summer day for my plight.
Never felt her thoughts and cry,
My life is dry, my life is dry.

The sun looming a shadow of sorrow,
To haunt me for the rest of the day.
Tarnished by the words I say
On that very summer day.
She walked beyond my sight,
There was nothing I did right.

With night fall the shadows moved,
When more darkness, around me loomed.
I blame the summer day no more,
Nor the darkest night anymore,

Amidst tranquil she survives,
I am the darkest day and night.
I stand here all alone,
The darkest day I am, the darkest night.


AK2011 said...

wonderful piece..very nice poem..I will again say you should publish your poems

Arun said...

@ Aparna

Thanks a tonne.... Publish, hmm I need some funding;)

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Arun Ramu