Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Innocent Victims.

This piece is not an expression of helplessness or patriotism. It is sheer artistic license and a byproduct of imagination.

The essence of the poetry is a dream, a dream where in the protagonist finds himself in a land where he , the ruler advocates tyranny and oppression. People were engulfed by ignorance, for there was no opportunity for them to educate and learn. People sought no answers and the land personified hell. He lived his ways and carved his rules.
He wakes up to reality , only to find himself to be the ignorant subject. His freedom suppressed and ignorance exposed, he is a victim of disorder and disharmony. He is the victim in his own land!!!!
He was the leader and the led, with his ignorance, the devil was fed!!!

I was wicked, I was mean,
I was charming , I was lean.
I walked beyond cynicism,
I tarnished all Skepticism.
A Shadow of Sorrow loomed around,
Subjects were treated like hungry hounds.

I justified, nothing I did,
I created hell, on the land I lived.
My alter ego took over my soul,
Bribery, disorder, poverty I behold.

They were ignorant, they were not read,
There in was my fortune, more than my daily bread.
I woke up to this horrendous dream,
Similar did reality seem.

I was the subject, beyond my dream,
My land , my land ,
Oh!! victim I scream.
Arun Ramu

Education for all!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Snow, no where to go.

It looks like the end of the world here,
I really do know, how dooms day would feel like now.
I miss, the lady of my life,
And the situation,
Is adding to the misery in my life.
Events are freezing,
With the snow breezing,
I really do know, how dooms day would feel like now.

Peace creating melancholy,
Darkness creating gloom.
With white in a dark background.
I really do know, how dooms day would feel like now.

Nature delivering a subtle message,
Creatures dwelling in a warm passage.
The bizarre evening, without a sound,
Darkness scattered on the ground.
I really do know, how dooms day would feel like now.

Thoughts moving fast,
Feeling a little lost.
She is not around,
Yet, life goes on without a sound.
I really do know, how dooms day would feel like now.


Waking beneath the sultry sky,
I blame the summer day for my plight.
Never felt her thoughts and cry,
My life is dry, my life is dry.

The sun looming a shadow of sorrow,
To haunt me for the rest of the day.
Tarnished by the words I say
On that very summer day.
She walked beyond my sight,
There was nothing I did right.

With night fall the shadows moved,
When more darkness, around me loomed.
I blame the summer day no more,
Nor the darkest night anymore,

Amidst tranquil she survives,
I am the darkest day and night.
I stand here all alone,
The darkest day I am, the darkest night.

Us and Beyond!!!!!

With tenderness and loneliness,
I look back at where she dwells.
Can't walk towards, can't walk away,
Should I knock and say,
Why should it be this way?

I see the window, I see the light,
Could be there, if things were right.
We've known each other for eons,
Thought separation was beyond.

I did never foresee, standing alone,
With you beyond me,
I exist no more.

Welcome to a place, where a word is an expression, thought, faith and belief.

Moments are an Inspiration,

"Conventionalism is the end of Creativity"

Arun Ramu